About Our Local Communities In The San Ramon Valley And Lamorinda

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If you have never been to Northern California before, it will take more than a few paragraphs for you to appreciate what the area is all about. Nevertheless, this is our attempt to at least give you some idea of what to expect if you should decide to settle here.The Bay Area itself is very diverse in every sense of the word. San Francisco is a vibrant, cosmopolitan city which has a major influence on the area as a whole, as does Silicon Valley, with it's focus on the technology industry, even though this has suffered somewhat following the fall out from the demise of many of the "dot-com" start ups etc. Then there are the Sonoma and Napa Valleys to the North, two of the famous wine regions of Northern California which are only an hour or two from most parts of the Bay Area. And Sacramento, the State's capital, to the East, also only a short distance away. The East Bay sits in the midst of all this. In the main it comprises a number of towns and cities that originally grew up serving the needs of San Francisco. In recent years, however, many large corporations have established themselves here and the area has developed into a variety of communities that have little reliance on the proximity of San Francisco.
East Bay Geography
There are 2 counties in the East Bay, Contra Costa and Alameda. The largest city in the area is Oakland, in Alameda County. Just across the Bay Bridge from San Francisco, Oakland has had its share of problems over the years, mostly related to crime and poverty. Things have improved significantly in recent times but there is still a way to go. Oakland is predominantly made up of blue collar neighborhoods but there are several significant exceptions including Piedmont, Montclair and Rockridge, all of which have substantial older style homes and a wide variety of shopping and restaurants.Oakland is not one of the areas where I spend a lot of time, although I do know some excellent realtors who can help those wishing to consider the area. The same applies to Berkeley, Oakland's neighbour, a well known California university town.
Lamorinda And The San Ramon Valley
This area, which has the focus of my attention, comprises Eastern Contra Costa County and Northern Alameda County. The Northern-most community in the San Ramon Valley is Martinez on the edge of the San Pablo Bay. This is an old-established area with an historic downtown that has never really achieved it's full potential for whatever reason. Possibly the proximity of a number of refineries are a contributing factor. Around the downtown area are numerous older homes, mostly rather small by today's standards and many have been substantially remodeled. There are nevertheless some good buys to be had here, especially for those who are prepared to put in a little work.Outside the downtown area are many homes built in the 1970s and 1980s together with a number of small developments that continue to the present day. Overall, Martinez has a considerable mix of home types from old and historic, small and large properties to million dollar plus custom homes.The two largest cities in Contra Costa are Concord and Walnut Creek . Of the two, Concord has by far the more affordable housing although there are admittedly some neighborhoods here that some would find less than desirable. Concord is a mixed community with a wide range of housing from older condominiums and nineteen fifties homes to modern homes that sell for over a million dollars. Concord has good shopping facilities and most of the large national stores are well represented here.Walnut Creek is rather more white collar than Concord. It has seen substantial growth in recent years and the already attractive downtown is being gradually redeveloped to the extent that it is beginning to feel like a smaller version of San Francisco. There are lots of individual stores here as well as the major chains like Pottery Barn, Williams-Sonoma, Restoration Hardware and Barnes and Noble. Nordstroms also chose to open in Walnut Creek many years ago, foreshadowing the recent expansion here and the most recent significant addition is Tiffany's, which says much about the demographics of the area. Those who like to eat out will not be disappointed either. Again, there are names that most would recognize such as PF Chang's China Bistro, Ruth Chris Steak House and Il Fornaio and there is also an outstanding choice of individual restaurants.Another city with a real downtown in Contra Costa County is Danville . Here you will find many historic buildings (and some pseudo-historical ones) which combine to make it one of the most attractive cities in the Bay Area. Danville is deservedly popular with it's boutiques and restaurants supplying residents' and visitors' needs alike.Other places in Contra Costa worth mentioning are Blackhawk (adjacent to Danville and even more upscale although much more modern), San Ramon (to the South of Danville and somewhat more affordable - note that there is much new housing development on the East side of San Ramon, in Gale Ranch and Windemere), Diablo (the most exclusive address in the East Bay), Alamo (between Danville and Walnut Creek, also a highly desirable area and Pleasant Hill (between Walnut Creek and Concord). Until recently, Pleasant Hill was considered as just a slightly better address than Concord but since the development of a brand new downtown there, with some quality stores and restaurants including the excellent Left Bank, Pleasant Hill is getting a new lease of life.Also in Contra Costa is an area known as "Lamorinda", a group of three towns and cities, Lafayette , Moraga and Orinda . All three have an upscale image and they are well established areas being among the first places to be developed in the East Bay due to their relative proximity to San Francisco. All three have a strong appeal, particularly to those who like older homes and although there are few major stores around, every day needs are well catered for with a number of markets and a good range of restaurants. Orinda was revitalised in the 1990s with the reconstruction of the Art Deco style Orinda Movie Theater and the construction of Orinda Square around it, a small retail development of restaurants and specialty shops. Lafayette is following suit with numerous reconstruction projects continuing in the downtown areas that really bring it into the twenty-first century while retaining the attractive village character.
Northern Alameda County
Moving South from Danville and San Ramon we enter Alameda County. First of all coming to Dublin , another town that has seen recent changes. Primarily a bedroom community, traditionally with more affordable housing than its neighbors, Dublin has seen significant development recently, both from a commercial and a residential perspective. There are a number of office parks and new retail centers as well as Dublin Ranch, a large residential development. Here are many new single family homes of varying designs which are generally more affordable than similar homes in nearby locations.Next to Dublin is Pleasanton with it's attractive old downtown, which seems to comprise mostly restaurants and antique shops. Housing choices here include small Victorians and executive style mansions on golf course developments as well as a wide variety of subdivisions with homes of many styles. Pleasanton is well served with individual stores and restaurants and there is a large shopping mall not far away where highways 680 and 580 intersect.The final place worthy of mention is Livermore . This is like a much smaller version of Pleasanton, located to the East. Perhaps best known for the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory which provides significant employment to the area residents, Livermore is one of California's premier wine growing regions and it has also see significant new housing development in recent yeas. Livermore still offers reasonably affordable housing compared to most of the surrounding areas.
Where Do You Want To Live?
The following table should be of help as a comparison of area home prices. There are many other resources on this web site that will give a much more accurate idea and I encourage you to take advantage of them.
Please also visit http://www.bernardgibbons.com/, my real estate web site for all of The San Ramon Valley and Lamorinda, and http://www.justsanramonhomes.com/, my San Ramon real estate web site. IMPORTANT NOTE: In many parts of the Country, when a home is listed for sale, the expectation is that it will sell for less than the asking price. Not so here. It is extremely common for homes to be sold for above the list price and when particularly desirable homes come on to the market, multiple offers are not unusual. Most real estate agents advise their sellers to list a home for sale at the price they expect to achieve, not an initial bargaining point.
Typical Starting Price For Generally Well-Maintained 1500+ Square Foot 3 Bed 2 Bath Single Family Home With 2 Car Garage*
Pleasant Hill
Walnut Creek
San Ramon
* Price information updated July 2006

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If you have never been to Northern California before, it will take more than a few paragraphs for you to appreciate what the area is all about. Nevertheless, this is our attempt to at least give you some idea of what to expect if you should decide to settle here.The Bay Area itself is very diverse in every sense of the word. San Francisco is a vibrant, cosmopolitan city which has a major influence on the area as a whole, as does Silicon Valley, with it's focus on the technology industry, even though this has suffered somewhat following the fall out from the demise of many of the "dot-com" start ups etc. Then there are the Sonoma and Napa Valleys to the North, two of the famous wine regions of Northern California which are only an hour or two from most parts of the Bay Area. And Sacramento, the State's capital, to the East, also only a short distance away. The East Bay sits in the midst of all this. In the main it comprises a number of towns and cities that originally grew up serving the needs of San Francisco. In recent years, however, many large corporations have established themselves here and the area has developed into a variety of communities that have little reliance on the proximity of San Francisco.
East Bay Geography
There are 2 counties in the East Bay, Contra Costa and Alameda. The largest city in the area is Oakland, in Alameda County. Just across the Bay Bridge from San Francisco, Oakland has had its share of problems over the years, mostly related to crime and poverty. Things have improved significantly in recent times but there is still a way to go. Oakland is predominantly made up of blue collar neighborhoods but there are several significant exceptions including Piedmont, Montclair and Rockridge, all of which have substantial older style homes and a wide variety of shopping and restaurants.Oakland is not one of the areas where I spend a lot of time, although I do know some excellent realtors who can help those wishing to consider the area. The same applies to Berkeley, Oakland's neighbour, a well known California university town.
Lamorinda And The San Ramon Valley
This area, which has the focus of my attention, comprises Eastern Contra Costa County and Northern Alameda County. The Northern-most community in the San Ramon Valley is Martinez on the edge of the San Pablo Bay. This is an old-established area with an historic downtown that has never really achieved it's full potential for whatever reason. Possibly the proximity of a number of refineries are a contributing factor. Around the downtown area are numerous older homes, mostly rather small by today's standards and many have been substantially remodeled. There are nevertheless some good buys to be had here, especially for those who are prepared to put in a little work.Outside the downtown area are many homes built in the 1970s and 1980s together with a number of small developments that continue to the present day. Overall, Martinez has a considerable mix of home types from old and historic, small and large properties to million dollar plus custom homes.The two largest cities in Contra Costa are Concord and Walnut Creek . Of the two, Concord has by far the more affordable housing although there are admittedly some neighborhoods here that some would find less than desirable. Concord is a mixed community with a wide range of housing from older condominiums and nineteen fifties homes to modern homes that sell for over a million dollars. Concord has good shopping facilities and most of the large national stores are well represented here.Walnut Creek is rather more white collar than Concord. It has seen substantial growth in recent years and the already attractive downtown is being gradually redeveloped to the extent that it is beginning to feel like a smaller version of San Francisco. There are lots of individual stores here as well as the major chains like Pottery Barn, Williams-Sonoma, Restoration Hardware and Barnes and Noble. Nordstroms also chose to open in Walnut Creek many years ago, foreshadowing the recent expansion here and the most recent significant addition is Tiffany's, which says much about the demographics of the area. Those who like to eat out will not be disappointed either. Again, there are names that most would recognize such as PF Chang's China Bistro, Ruth Chris Steak House and Il Fornaio and there is also an outstanding choice of individual restaurants.Another city with a real downtown in Contra Costa County is Danville . Here you will find many historic buildings (and some pseudo-historical ones) which combine to make it one of the most attractive cities in the Bay Area. Danville is deservedly popular with it's boutiques and restaurants supplying residents' and visitors' needs alike.Other places in Contra Costa worth mentioning are Blackhawk (adjacent to Danville and even more upscale although much more modern), San Ramon (to the South of Danville and somewhat more affordable - note that there is much new housing development on the East side of San Ramon, in Gale Ranch and Windemere), Diablo (the most exclusive address in the East Bay), Alamo (between Danville and Walnut Creek, also a highly desirable area and Pleasant Hill (between Walnut Creek and Concord). Until recently, Pleasant Hill was considered as just a slightly better address than Concord but since the development of a brand new downtown there, with some quality stores and restaurants including the excellent Left Bank, Pleasant Hill is getting a new lease of life.Also in Contra Costa is an area known as "Lamorinda", a group of three towns and cities, Lafayette , Moraga and Orinda . All three have an upscale image and they are well established areas being among the first places to be developed in the East Bay due to their relative proximity to San Francisco. All three have a strong appeal, particularly to those who like older homes and although there are few major stores around, every day needs are well catered for with a number of markets and a good range of restaurants. Orinda was revitalised in the 1990s with the reconstruction of the Art Deco style Orinda Movie Theater and the construction of Orinda Square around it, a small retail development of restaurants and specialty shops. Lafayette is following suit with numerous reconstruction projects continuing in the downtown areas that really bring it into the twenty-first century while retaining the attractive village character.
Northern Alameda County
Moving South from Danville and San Ramon we enter Alameda County. First of all coming to Dublin , another town that has seen recent changes. Primarily a bedroom community, traditionally with more affordable housing than its neighbors, Dublin has seen significant development recently, both from a commercial and a residential perspective. There are a number of office parks and new retail centers as well as Dublin Ranch, a large residential development. Here are many new single family homes of varying designs which are generally more affordable than similar homes in nearby locations.Next to Dublin is Pleasanton with it's attractive old downtown, which seems to comprise mostly restaurants and antique shops. Housing choices here include small Victorians and executive style mansions on golf course developments as well as a wide variety of subdivisions with homes of many styles. Pleasanton is well served with individual stores and restaurants and there is a large shopping mall not far away where highways 680 and 580 intersect.The final place worthy of mention is Livermore . This is like a much smaller version of Pleasanton, located to the East. Perhaps best known for the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory which provides significant employment to the area residents, Livermore is one of California's premier wine growing regions and it has also see significant new housing development in recent yeas. Livermore still offers reasonably affordable housing compared to most of the surrounding areas.
Where Do You Want To Live?
The following table should be of help as a comparison of area home prices. There are many other resources on this web site that will give a much more accurate idea and I encourage you to take advantage of them.
Please also visit http://www.bernardgibbons.com/, my real estate web site for all of The San Ramon Valley and Lamorinda, and http://www.justsanramonhomes.com/, my San Ramon real estate web site. IMPORTANT NOTE: In many parts of the Country, when a home is listed for sale, the expectation is that it will sell for less than the asking price. Not so here. It is extremely common for homes to be sold for above the list price and when particularly desirable homes come on to the market, multiple offers are not unusual. Most real estate agents advise their sellers to list a home for sale at the price they expect to achieve, not an initial bargaining point.
Typical Starting Price For Generally Well-Maintained 1500+ Square Foot 3 Bed 2 Bath Single Family Home With 2 Car Garage*
Pleasant Hill
Walnut Creek
San Ramon
* Price information updated July 2006